Thursday 16 April 2015

Are we born with willpower, or do we learn it?

I've lost count of how many times I've spontaneously decided to give up things that are bad for me, then failed miserably.

Time after time I say I'll eat healthily and go to the gym doing a proper training program and I'll fall at the first (or second or third) hurdle. 

It's the same with smoking, chocolate, spending unnecessarily, getting up early - I could go on forever!

I'm having one of those moments of realisation. I start things, intending to finish them... I just never get as far as actually following it through.

So I'm sitting wondering: are we born with willpower, or is it learned? I think I knew the answer to my question before I asked it. You learn how to have willpower. But how?

How come I'm good at planning things but not following them through? What am I missing? 

If anyone has any advice or thoughts on this I'd love to hear about it. Any tips would be welcomed, I'll try anything! Well, I say I will. I'll probably plan it then not follow it through... Just kidding - I really want to learn! 



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